The parents ( whom/who/that) we interviewed were all involved in education in some way. Superdrug, which last week announced that it is buying Medicare, is also part of the group. The Kingfisher group, whose name was changed from Woolworths earlier this year, includes about 720 high street shops. He went to the school ( that) my father went to. We drove past my old school, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. We don’t know the person who donated this money. (In the examples, the relative pronoun is in brackets to show where it is not essential the person or thing being referred to is underlined.) When the relative pronoun defines the object of the clause People in formal styles or in writing often with a preposition rarely in conversation used instead of who if who is the object

Its favorite foliage is Bamboo though they also like the Himalayan Birch tree and the Himalayan Pine tree. The Giant Panda is a Highland animal with a strong preference for coniferous forest and also likes a little snow, grey stone, grass and dirt in their exhibit. It is the focal animal of the base game's final scenario. It is the last animal obtainable by research. It can only be adopted after being researched. The giant panda is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and is available in the base game. Captive breeding and conservation awareness have since resulted in numbers increasing, although the species is still considered "conservation-reliant". Habitat loss, combined with a low birth-rate, are the main threats to wild giant pandas and at one point it was estimated there were only 1000 adults left in the wild.

Females will usually give birth to twins, although she will typically only raise one and abandon the other. Adults are typically solitary and come together only to mate. Although primarily terrestrial, they are good climbers.

The giant panda is native to the mountainous bamboo forests of China, with the greatest numbers found in Sichuan. Something like this: def comment (): '''Makes a comment about users age'''. However, the Giant Panda cannot get much nutrition from bamboo, so it must spend most of its day eating or resting. You may consider using python docstring instead of this comment: 'This defines a function called comment'. 'Animal Age 5: Collision Course' Part 9 - Space Rocks / In Surly the Squirrels Mind 'Animal Age 5: Collision Course' Part 10 - Snakes. It can eat up to 14kg (30lbs) of bamboo a day, holding it in its paws using a modified wrist-bone like a thumb and crunching through the thick stalks with its powerful jaws. Although a wild panda may eat grass, tubers or meat, 99% of its diet consists of bamboo leaves and stalks. Although it is a member of the order Carnivora, the giant panda has adapted to eat plants. Males can weigh up to 160kg (350lbs), with females being smaller. Perhaps one of the world's most iconic animals, the giant panda is a member of the bear family identified by its black and white coloration.